Brookfield's mission has always centered on individual academic achievement. We set high standards and organize the School so that our students can reach them. The school's core curriculum is heavily weighted toward mastering language arts and mathematics skills in addition to science, social studies, and French or Spanish. The curriculum is enriched with music, technology, physical education, and performing arts.
Students gain experience with both short-term and long-term projects, as well as working individually and in groups. Assignments requiring internet research is selectively taught and expected. Learning how to navigate the Internet intelligently, to judge the usefulness and reliability of information, and to develop a sense of how to manage the information is part of the instructional program.
To help students attain their academic potential, the School provides a highly structured environment. When students begin to experience the changes of pre-adolescence, they often lose their sense of organization and focus. A routine schedule for middle school students frees them so they can focus their energy on becoming self-reliant learners. The regularity of assignments provides students and families with the predictability they need to manage an accelerated curriculum with extra-curricular and other family activities.
We believe that reading is the heart and soul of elementary education. We expect children to speak and write well; to measure, evaluate, and perform arithmetic; to think logically and clearly in analyzing problems, and to ask thoughtful questions; and to be motivated to search for answers.
Test scores for Brookfield students on the same tests used in California's public schools statewide average above 90 percent, and graduates regularly attend prestigious high schools followed by the most rigorous universities. Approximately two-thirds of the upper grade students qualify to take the Johns Hopkins Talent Search exam for academic excellence each year. However, standardized test scores are only a benchmark and one of the several methods used to evaluate each student.
Brookfield students in grades 1 - 8 take the SAT 10 or the ACT Aspire standardized test each spring. These assessments are highly regarded nationally-normed measurement of student performance. The national average score on this test is 50, from a possible 100. The class mean scores for Brookfield students typically place far above average.
Younger students, in grades P1-3 also that the MAP Fluency Reading tests to gauge their progress in reading fluency and comprehension three times per year.