Brookfield School

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Student Handbook » Lunch and Break Topics

Lunch and Break Topics

Snack and Lunch
The lunch period begins at 12:20 for the School Monday through Thursday, and an extended break time for a longer snack on Fridays. Parents are responsible for providing snacks, drinks, and lunches for their children on a daily basis. Glass containers are not allowed. In inclement weather, the children have lunch in designated classrooms.

Playing and Rules for Nutrition Break
Safety comes first! During break:
  • Students should use the rest room, eat a nutritious snack, and get some fresh air.
  • Students may play jump rope, as long as ropes are used for jump rope games. Jump ropes are not to be used as snakes, or waved in the air. At the end of break, all jump ropes should be put in the jump rope box. No other P.E. equipment is to be used other than the jump ropes.
  • Break time is not a time to play tag, or any other running games.
  • Games involving tackling, pushing, tripping, etc. are not allowed on the playground anywhere at anytime.
  • Keep sand area free of games. No students should be around the play structure or sandbox.
  • Students should not stand on the benches, or on the ledge of the blacktop area.
  • Students are to remain on the blacktop pavement on the south side of the building only. Exceptions: the boys are to use the walkway on the East Side of the building to access the rest room. Seventh and eighth graders may stay on the sidewalk by their classrooms.
  • Students are not permitted to access anyone's lunch box other than their own under any circumstances. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is anyone to be on the playground, on the playground equipment, skating, playing basketball or any other similar activity before 9:00 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 1:00 p.m. on Fridays, unless participating in a school sponsored activity.

Students in Office/Use of Telephone
The office is a very busy place. Students are not to linger in the office or come to the office without permission from staff, except in an emergency. The school phone is available to students only by written permission from the teacher or supervisor. Students may NOT telephone home for forgotten assignments during the day. Getting homework from home to school is the student's responsibility. Students will learn "to remember" when s/he is given sole responsibility. Students are permitted to telephone home if they have forgotten a lunch, glasses, headgear, or other essential items. Students may not telephone home to change arrangements for pick-up from school, asking permission to go to a friend's house unless authorized by the Director. Those arrangements must be made beforehand.

Extreme Weather Conditions/Inclement Weather
In the event of hazardous weather conditions, the School will close for the school day when the entire Sacramento City Unified School District closes. If the District closes only selected schools, Brookfield will remain open unless the School is experiencing unsafe conditions. If the School does close, parents will be notified by telephone.